Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Best Road Trip In Ages Pt. 2

4 Generations of Prices:  Jackie & Glen, Barry, Dylan, and Logan

Even when you're having a great time travelling you still think of the folks back home.  We were lucky enough to get the 4Gen pic above when Mom & Dad came up from Tennessee for a visit.  We really miss having them closer by.

We had a pleasant night at Dan & Rosario's place.  We rarely sleep through the night, what with trips to the bathroom, muscle spasms, and round-the-clock kid traffic, so the chugging of trucks & Harleys on the nearby road and the crowing of the rooster in the yard were not disturbing.  No sirens, much different from back home.

In the kitchen, a pot of coffee and a big cast iron skillet with fresh eggs scrambled with some spicy peppers that Mark brought from his garden.  Toast, bacon, forks clicking on plates, quiet conversation as we watch the hummingbirds & dragonflies buzz past the window.

Hey Nigel-cat, did you ever see that movie about your alien duplicate hatching from a pod to replace you?

Rolling gargoyles gather no moss.

I poked my finger 3-4 inches into this soft green cushion and it never hit bottom.

Mike Lebens, Mark Schlembach, Marcy Price, Nan & Eric Day, The Other Dan Johnson, Dr. Dan Johnson, and Lisa (Mrs. Other Dan) Johnson.

Hmm, what could this gift be?  Nan is acting so innocent...

Best of all, it's microwaveable!

Nan is a soil scientist and also has an asparagus farm in Virginia with her other half, Eric.  She says you shouldn't use a knife to harvest asparagus, but just snap it off.  It knows the right place to break.

Fresh zucchini for dinner tonight.

Sun inside.

Mike Lebens, a social worker in Pensylvania.  He made a couple of varieties of real nice beer for the party.  Delicious and hearty,  dark strong foamy stuff, still alive, I think.  Mike was in attendance when Dan's parents' let my old band Ruff Midget set up a stage using haywagons and box trucks in their front yard.  Most of Morgan Township must have heard us that full-moon summer night, and half of them came to Dan's to join the party.  Was that a special occaision?  Does anybody have pictures?  By, the way Mike, you gotta try the fresh-picked broccoli, steamed with wild lamb's quarters that was growing right next to it.

Dr. Dan dons his hardhat to extinguish the inferno.  Good thing they didn't put all 50 candles on the cake or we'd have needed an open burning permit.

Happy Birthday, Dan Johnson!

We went to bed that night relaxed and happy.  What a nice bunch of people!  What a lovely place!  We expected a good sleep with motors and roosters and a great day tomorrow, and we were not disappointed.


  1. Great 2nd part. Pics were great. I'm so glad you had a nice trip. Not a nice trip a great trip. Love Mom and Dad.

  2. I'm homeless and live in my car with my two dogs. It's not all bad, as I'm out in the west where there's lots of camping and I have a great tent. But your blog brings back all the poignancy of a life long gone for me, my parents have passed and my family is scattered. Those were good times. I love reading about your life and family, even though I know you're going through hard times. Thanks for writing it.

  3. Glad you guys had a good time with old and new friends and that you were able to get away! A change of scenery is so needed sometimes!
    Love you guys!

  4. I DO have pictures from that magical night on the hay wagons and outta the back of a Uhaul truck. Just a sprinkle of rain that night w/a captive audience and a great view of the landscape from the middle of the stage. Seems like only last year that happened. Where does time go. I will do my best to find those pics and get them to you to post.

  5. Love the photos. Keep it up. Wishing you strength and some measure of good fortune amidst the troubles.

  6. This was a lot of fun to read Barry. Is there a Part III? Wow your Mom & Dad are Great Grandparents. Doesn't seem possible, they're too young! ~Lili

  7. It looked like a great time on the edge of the forest with family and friends! Were there lightning bugs present?

    Your gathering reminds me of my family and of my original home in Ohio. What is it about HOME that makes me wish I was there?

  8. @ Anon Homeless - Your words...they give me such a sense of fulfillment. A heartful connection with a complete stranger! It's why I've been writing this. Thank you! Don't remain strange, keep in touch. You are a member of a growing tribe.

  9. @ Mom & Dad & Beck - You are always with me wherever I go. I love you!

  10. @ Rando - gotaa get me mitts on the pics!

  11. @ italiandreams - Welcome to That Crashing Sound! Thanks for taking the time to read and for sending the good wishes. Just curious, how did you find me?

    @ Lili - We had such a good time, and we still have Sunday and Monday to cover. And we still have to connect with Mom's Mom (Logan's great-great-grandma)to get a 5-Gen pic.

    @ Susan Marie - There were not a whole lot of lightning bugs up there, but also no skeeters and no chiggers! Plenty of bees and butterflies, as you'll see in upcoming posts, but the chickens, ducks, and geese keep the grounds picked clean. We're near Cincy, where are you from?


I'm happy to hear from you. Anonymous is OK but I'd appreciate a clue.