Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State Of The Union

I took this pic in the back yard. It's a type of jelly fungus called Auricularia aricula-judae, commonly called the judas or Jew's Ear fungus.

We got Derek enrolled in LifeSkills school today. Yay, progress. He starts tomorrow and is eager to earn his credits and move on.

I watched Prez Obama's State Of The Union Speech tonight. He gives good speech but talk is cheap. I liked it that he called out the Supreme Court for selling democracy out to corporate money. Still no public option for healthcare. We might still be in business if we had that.

Speaking of that, while watching the speech I was also trying to decipher a court document titled "NOTICE TO THE JUDGEMENT DEBTOR OF GARNISHMENT OF PROPERTY OTHER THAN PERSONAL EARNINGS" to figure out if defaulting on our commercial loan from Fifth Third Bank means we lose our house, vehicle, wheelchair, pants, etc. Does anybody have an old barrel I can put shoulder straps on and wear so I won't be indecently exposed? They can't squeeze blood from a turnip, but will they take my turnip? Time will tell, stay tuned.

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I'm happy to hear from you. Anonymous is OK but I'd appreciate a clue.