Friday, April 9, 2010

Garden Patch Update

Time to thin the radishes.  Radical radishes, they share the same "root."

Better thin those lettuces too.

Chives will soon be blooming.

I need to find a good use for lemon balm.  It's taking over!

How do you like my drainage tile planters?  A stripped strand of copper electrical wire keeps them bundled around the apricot tree.  I planted coriander, basil and dill in the central space, no sprouts yet.

The redbud has volunteered in several spots in the back yard.

I wish we had this mossy carpet in the house.


  1. Your plants are really growing. Love you.
    Mom and Dad

  2. Durn, I'm jealous! But I DO have a good recipe for lemon balm shortbread. It's on my blog, somewhere. And it's good too. Coming to Ohio soon. But Columbus this Cincy. Love the moss, miss seeing redbuds in bloom too. ~Lili


I'm happy to hear from you. Anonymous is OK but I'd appreciate a clue.