Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring's Bounty

The apricot tree is in full bloom, loaded with pinkish blossoms packed with pollen and giving off a sweet but almost stinky fragrance.  It's swarming with bees of all sizes, from the little ones the size of flies to the regular honeybee to the big bumblebees like this one.  As I paused in the aroma stream downwind from the tree a bee quickly discovered the pink flower on my Hawaiian shirt.  Beautiful skies.

A new crop of chives is coming up.

Dandelion greens, yummy!  Saute them with some bacon, some (wild) onion, maybe some red pepper flakes, a dash of balsamic vinegar.  Loaded with minerals, fiber, and vitamin C, they make a great spring tonic.

Radishes are sprouting.  Hmm, soils looks dry.  No rain forecast, better water today.

Lettuce is sprouting too.

We have some other things nearing fruition.  We've been wrapping things up with our accountant and our attorney.  Derek gets his surgery tomorrow.  We should have some great weather this weekend just to hang around the house and continue the ongoing clutter-clearing as he recuperates.

Derek has also been catching up in school.  He did well on the OGT tests and the school pays a bonus to all students who complete the 5 tests in 5 days.  His English teacher wants to publish some of his writing!


  1. Hey Barry
    Your garden items look like they are growing. Love you. See you the week of the 14th. Let us know how Derek does with his surgery.
    Mom and Dad

  2. You're so much further ahead in your weather than we are. My seedlings have been sprouting inside though. Did that bee really land on your shirt? That's funny!! ~Lili


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