Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Clearance On Pics & Links

"Remember, remember the fifth of November."  Maybe you know this quote from the movie "V For Vendetta," an entertaining film from The Wachowskis, who also brought us "The Matrix."  While you may not agree with the politics or the motivations of the characters in the stories, both films are required viewing for the modern freedom lover.  The reason I mention "V" today is that it hinges on the historical story of Guy Fawkes.  It's a tale of religious dogma made law by a tyrannical monarch, weapons of mass destruction, confessions extracted by torture, unfair trials, cruel and unusual punishments.  Quite fascinating, and today is the anniversary.  Read up on it if you can, or at least watch "V For Vendetta" tonight.

Come on, you're smart enough to recognise a trap when you see one.  You can think for yourself.  It's OK to check what Al Jazeera is reporting to the rest of the world.  Read it with the same skepticism and critical-thinking skills that you would use with Fox News.  I don't believe anything I hear or read, and only about half of what I see with my own eyes.

I'm currently re-reading one of my favorite books - William Least Heat-Moon's Blue Higways.  It's about his travels around America's back roads, avoiding cities and interstate highways.  That's where real people live.  You should explore America's Byways.

I don't know why but this cockleburr pic reminds me of our new friends Nan & Eric's asparagus farm.  They are some really nice folks, friends of our friend Dr. Dan.

Thanks to all who look and read, gratitude to those who comment, and much appreciation to those special few who spread the word about my blog!


  1. The pics are great. Mom and Dad

  2. Hey brother! Looking forward to seeing you and the fam in the upcoming weeks for the holidays! Love the pics!
    Your favorite sis!

  3. Very good movie. Hope all is well with you and the family.

    Bill Menke


I'm happy to hear from you. Anonymous is OK but I'd appreciate a clue.